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Debris Management Taskforce Update – Hazard Trees

As one part of Oregon’s statewide wildfire recovery effort, work is underway in your community in the Holiday Farm Fire area to remove hazard trees adjacent to or near the OR 126 McKenzie Highway.

This work is performed by state contract crews and the Oregon Debris Management Task Force (DMTF). The DMTF is working closely with Lane County to help the community recover through the removal and cleanup of remaining hazard trees in the area, and are committed to making this a successful and safe operation.

We understand and respect that this is a dramatic change to the post-wildfire landscape and our upriver communities. The team is committed to keeping you informed and connected. We have also heard your concerns as work activity increased recently, and as a result, have made adjustments to our operation processes and focusing on direct outreach in addition to online and local media outreach. We appreciate your engagement and feedback as we all work together to help Oregon recover and rebuild.

Currently, crews are working in the Rainbow area. They will then head west down the McKenzie Highway, felling hazard trees resulting from the Holiday Farm Fire. You will likely continue to see increased activity in your area near roadways and staging areas.

In order to access trees deemed a hazard by professional arborists, crews may also be evaluating trees in the State right-of-way while also accessing various properties when necessary to mark or remove these hazard trees. We realize that this may be an uncomfortable and emotionally-charged process and appreciate your help and partnership in the broader statewide recovery effort.

To help answer some of your questions, we have provided a list of questions and answers below or view it online here.

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