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Cascade Relief Team & Reach Out WorldWide Extend Blue River Cleanup

Extended Cleanup Dates:

  • February 27th 2021 (Saturday)
  • February 28th 2021 (Sunday)8am to 5pm

The cleanup so far has been a huge success. Reach Out Worldwide and the Cascade Relief Team + many volunteers have made massive inroads into cleaning up the devastated properties in Blue River.

During the cleanup the original Frances O’Brien Memorial Library dedication plaque was found amongst the ash and debris! It is a bit burned and battered but we will be sure to polish it up and hang it on the new building once it is reerected.

The Big Cleanup

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Today they have announced that the cleanup will be extended to a second weekend over the 27th & 28th of February which is great news for those who still face the arduous cleanup process alone.

A huge thank you to everyone who has volunteered their skills and labor so far, it has made a huge difference and given much-needed hope to the community. A special shout out to the local Community Organizers Jamee Savidge & Melanie Stanley, please reach out to them on 541-650-4259 or via ‘Savidge Salvage’ on Facebook if you can help in any way with next week’s cleanup or go to to see how you can get involved!

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