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Free Legal Help With Your FEMA Appeal

You may be eligible for free legal help with your FEMA appeal. 

Legal Aid Services of Oregon’s Wildfire Disaster Relief Program helps low-income Oregonians who were impacted by Oregon’s 2020 wildfires. Legal issues they can assist with include, but are not limited to, denials of FEMA assistance, housing issues (owners and renters of manufactured homes; landlord/tenant), consumer fraud, document replacement, debt issues, tax, insurance, wills, and power of attorney.

To find out if you qualify for their services, please call their Wildfire Disaster Relief Hotline: (844) 944-2428.  Their hours of operation are Monday through Thursday (9AM to 4PM) and Friday (9AM to 11:30AM).

If you do not qualify for legal aid assistance, you may seek free legal advice and help with your FEMA appeal through the Oregon State Bar’s Disaster Legal Assistance Hotline: (800) 452-7636 or (503) 684-3763.

More information is available at

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