Hazard tree removal update
DURING THE WEEK OF MARCH 29 YOU MAY SEE TREE FALLERS WORKING ALONG THE HIGHWAY ON THE EASTERN END OF THE FIRE AREA. Weather conditions or other issues may cause changes. Travelers are advised to stay alert near crews and follow traffic directions carefully. Expect traffic delays on weekdays and Saturdays. Traffic control will be provided by flaggers or a portable traffic signal.
A hotline (503-934-1700) is available to answer as many questions and concerns as possible.

Soil erosion prevention goes hand-in-hand with tree removal
The Debris Management Task Force (DMTF) is seeding any disturbed soil potentially impacted by tree removal activities.
Along highways, crews are chipping slash and other tree debris and spreading the chips on slopes to help stabilize the area. The DMTF is also hydroseeding using a slurry of seed and mulch and mulching areas after hazard tree removal.
Learn more at https://www.debriscleanupnews.com/post/get-the-facts-soil-erosion