The Oregon Small Woodlands Association is an organization made up of Oregon small woodland owners who practice and believe in:
- The strength of peer to peer communication between landowners
- The strength of a unified effort to address legislative and regulatory challenges
- The strength of partnerships in addressing and solving common problems
Our Regular Members own between 1 and 5000 acres of land with trees growing on their property. We also have an Associate Membership for those who do not own woodlands in Oregon but are interested in the best interests of small woodland owners. OSWA members are individuals, families, or companies who want to connect and network with other property owners in their county, state, and region.
On April 22, 1960, a group of small woodland owners, who were concerned about issues unique to small woodland owners, filed articles of incorporation with the state for the Small Woodlands Association. The original Board was all from Lane County. Over time, small woodland owners from other counties joined and in 1966 the name was changed to Oregon Small Woodlands Association. For over 50 years OSWA has helped to serve the needs of small woodland owners in Oregon.
This February they are holding their annual Seedling Sale in Alton Baker Park in central Eugene, full details and flyer for the Covid friendly event are below!

Tree Species Available
(bare root & plugs)
Douglas-fir, Noble fir, Western Red Cedar, Incense-cedar, Coastal Redwood, Giant Sequoia, Grand fir, Willamette Valley Ponderosa Pine.
Native Plant Species (bare root)
Pacific Ninebark, Cascara, Nutka Rose, Oregon Grape, Snowberry, Douglas Spirea, Thimbleberry, Mock Orange, and Red Current. Limited number of Deer Fern in premium 4” pots.
Hours: 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM (or until sold out)
Location: Alton Baker Park, Eugene – east end of the park (building B)
This outside event is held rain or cold weather. Health restrictions will be in place. Plan to stand outside to observe requirements as indicated by the Oregon Health Authority. Due to the popularity of the event, folks may be asked to stay out in weather to limit social distancing.
Bringing bags/boxes to take items procured is appreciated.
Payments for secured purchases are by cash and check only. Thanks for your patience as we do the best processing payment with social distancing.
Seedling Sale Flyer