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Leaburg Dam Public Meeting

This is a quick draft for those curious about the meeting. I’m still digesting the information and will likely rewrite this, if for no other reason than to write with more clarity.

Tonight’s Community meeting focused on an effort to get EWEB to re-evaluate the decision to remove the Leaburg Dam. 60-70 residents were there, including our County Commissioner Heather Buck and our State Representative Charlie Conrad.

A very energized group of local residents who are concerned about the loss of Leaburg Lake, the effect dewatering the canals will have on their wells and water supply, the effect removing the dam might have on river quality as the dam silt gets pushed down stream, the impact of replacing the bridge that is on the current dam and the energy impact on locals.

The group showed charts that suggested the cost difference to keep that dam was minor compared to removing it and had added benefits not included in EWEB’s calculus when deciding to remove the dam.

A few people shared. There was good information, yet there was also disputed information presented as to why salmon populations were declining.

The group stated that they wanted to have a 3rd, independent party review the information to help make a good decision on the future of the dam. The verbiage was meant to be inclusive, which I highly encourage, yet it was obvious that the majority of the group wanted the dam to stay.

I attended to learn, and I was glad I went. After hearing one person do a rousing “we need to fight this tyranny” or something like that, inferring that those greenies, or blue voters were forcing this on us, I felt I needed to comment.

I also shared that many people have expressed their support to remove the dam and it was obvious that they were not present, or at least vocal in this group. Many of these desired to see the river return to its natural form and support native fish recover. (I also remind the crowd that I lived near the dam and was undecided.) I asked what the was doing to include this group of residents in the conversation. (Personally I am tired of political work that always paints the other side as a devil that needs to be vanquished.).

The leader reaffirmed that they want to be inclusive and to have everyone explore this better.

One big item that struck a chord with me is that a private company offered to buy (or take over) the dam, which would relieve EWEB of the liability of the dam, and expense of improving it, which might has saved EWEB rate payers millions and saved the Lake, yet according to the presentation, they refused to even entertain the company making the inquiry. It seems that they should have at least explored that to some degree.

There are a lot of hard questions to be asked and answered about this. The costs and consequences of keeping the dam and removing the dam are high and will have an impact for another 100 years.

We need to get this right.

Not just for homeowners and recreation enthusiasts, but also the impact on the health of our beloved McKenzie River and the surrounding environment.

I don’t pretend to know what the right answer is. Yet I do want to be a responsible citizen in how I respond.

I encourage you to dive deeper and get involved if the Leaburg Dam interests you.

This was the invite to the meeting: (It has passed)

Residents meeting for all viewpoints on the removal of Leaburg Dam presented by neighbors for neighbors. Location: Vida McKenzie Community Center, Thomson Lane, Vida, 90377 Date and Time: Tuesday, October 8th at 6:00pm RSVP would be appreciated, but not necessary. [email protected]

Vida McKenzie Community Center 90377 Thomson Ln, Vida, OR, United States

It was posted also on our Community Events Calendar.

Want more information? Would you like to get involved?

You can reach out to one of the group’s leaders at [email protected]

Note: Due to the divisive nature of this issue in our community, we at MCP are not taking a side. We do encourage community involvement and civil engagement on matters like this. We desire to help encourage the flow of information. We also may engage to increase inclusivity.

I personally want to thank my friends and neighbors working in this group for their work on trying to make sure all sides are considered on this matter.


Chris LaVoie

Executive Director

541-204-1001 Office  

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