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USDA Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program is OPEN FOR BUSINESS in February!


Pursuant to the GovDelivery message dated December 23, 2020, this communication clarifies that USDA will continue processing loans through February 26, 2020.   

At this time, the Agency has determined that final submissions received by USDA via Legacy GUS by 11:59pm ET on February 12, 2021 will be considered for Conditional Commitment prior to the February 26, 2021 closure of Legacy GUS.

Loans submitted after February 12, 2021 are unlikely to be reviewed, however, we will continue to review as many files as possible until that time.

Complete and detailed guidance of the Legacy GUS to New GUS transition can be found under the “New URLA Guaranteed Underwriting System (GUS)” tab in the LINC Library Training and Resources section.


  • February 26, 2021 – At the close of business on this day, Legacy GUS will no longer be available for editing or processing applications. Legacy GUS will be available to users in a view only capacity so that historical data is accessible for up to one year.
  • February 27-28, 2021 – All Single-Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program (SFHGLP) systems will be unavailable to facilitate the transition to New GUS.
  • March 1, 2021 – New GUS goes live. Existing applications in Legacy GUS that have not received a Conditional Commitment will require the application to be reentered into New GUS for consideration by USDA. 

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