Source: Updated risk levels take effect Thursday, May 27; Multnomah County approved to move to Lower Risk CORRECTION: There was an error in the county risk level list in
Topic: Community
Lane County’s Public Works Customer Service Center (CSC) will re-open to the public on Tuesday, June 1. WALK-INS IN THE MORNING Walk-in customers will be welcomed from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00
Lane County’s Forest Glen Park in Blue River is open after hazard tree removal and cleanup was completed by the Debris Management Task Force in partnership with Lane County Parks.
Source: Beginning May 19, 2021, qualified renters who have experienced financial hardship due to the coronavirus pandemic, and are at risk of homelessness or housing instability, may apply for
The new Saturday market is meant to help local businesses and showcase all the wonderful things the McKenzie Valley has to offer. The new “McKenzie River Treasures” market will take
Source: Debris removal and hazard tree operations are nearly 40 percent complete and crews continue to make significant progress. Hazard tree marking and tagging continues between mileposts 30-36 and
Update 19th May Senate Bill 745 (full details below) has passed out of committee and onto the House Floor for further consideration! This a great step forwards for our fire-ravaged
Source: Most restrictions to be lifted statewide when 70% of Oregonians 16 and older receive first dose Beginning May 21, counties eligible for option to move to Lower Risk
This summer heatwave promises to be as bad or worse than 2020 so for those of us in trailers fire safety precautions are a must. McKenzie Fire & Rescue have
Charitable grants and generous donations have enabled The McKenzie CDC to hire a full-time Resource Coordinator and two Community Organizers to actively support survivors on the ground. Having a presence