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Topic: Community

Public Safety Power Shutoff Events

Source: Overview A Public Safety Power Shutoff, also called a PSPS, occurs in response to severe weather. We turn off power to help prevent wildfire and keep our community

Firewise Grant Incentive Program

Source: Program Overview  The Firewise Grant Incentive Program is administered by the Lane County Land Management Division’s Long Range Planning and Building programs, with funding provided through Title III

Goodpasture Covered Bridge delays next week

Lane County Public Works’ Bridge Crew will be replacing damaged deck boards on Goodpasture Covered Bridge from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. starting next Monday, May 3 through Thursday, May

Low-Income Housing Opportunity for Fire Survivors

Source: There is another housing opportunity open for low-income Lane County residents. Fire survivors are eligible to apply.  Homes for Good will be accepting waitlist pre-applications for 2-, 3-,

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