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Topic: Environment

Strube Flats No Longer Accepting Yard Debris

An update from the Willamette National Forest: Strube Flats on the McKenzie River Ranger District will no longer be accepting organic yard debris for disposal beginning Jan. 15, 2021. This

Landslide & Flooding Risk Threat Report

Eighteen federal, state and local agencies evaluated land within the Holiday Farm Fire perimeter to identify areas at increased risk of flooding, landslides, debris flow, loss of aquatic habitat, increase

Astor: Hope from the Holiday Farm Fire

Source: By Amanda Astor Last week’s attack on the U.S. Capitol Building was a travesty. The extent to which we have forgotten our humanity and dehumanized our neighbors by treating them as

McKenzie Rebuilds Recovery Update

The latest from Heather Buch on the recovery efforts from Lane County. McKenzie Rebuilds Recovery Update: December 31, 2020 from Lane County Government on Vimeo.

New Fire Recovery Map Available

Lane County has created a “recovery map” to help track and share rebuilding progress following the Holiday Farm Fire.  The interactive map allows viewers to see how many properties have

McKenzie Rebuilds: Ash & Debris Update

Thank you to everyone who sent in a question or participated in last night’s ash and debris cleanup virtual update.  You can view the original video, along with all of

Wells, Septic Systems May be Eligible for FEMA Assistance

Oregon residents who lost access to waterand sewer servicethrough their private wellsand septic systemsdue to the September wildfirescould be considered for financial assistance under FEMA’s Individualsand Households Program. Residents in

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