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Topic: Environment

NVOAD Long-Term Recovery Orientation- RESCHEDULED

The Long-Term Recovery Orientation is a 2-hour PowerPoint resource, created by National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) Long-Term Recovery Group Committee, designed to bring understanding to the development and

UPDATE – EPA Hazardous Waste Removal

The EPA are now on the ground Below is a fact sheet about the EPA’s work assessing properties for household hazardous waste. The EPA hotline phone number and the link

EPA Deployed in the Valley!

The EPA are on the ground in the McKenzie Valley starting the Hazardous Waste cleanup!   Update from our Congressional Office: Fire-affected Oregon property owners now have a dedicated phone

Webinar – Reforestation Considerations After Wildfire

Source: Thursday, October 22, 3:00 – 5:00 PM This webinar will cover key considerations in reforestation following wildfire including legal requirements, planting vs. natural regeneration, site preparation, selecting and

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