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Topic: Environment

Free Firewood Program

The Pure Water Partners (PWP) are starting a free firewood program for people in the McKenzie River Valley affected by the Holiday Farm Fire. The program uses the wood collected

Well & Septic News and Resources

Well water testing vouchers available again If you sustained losses or damage due to the 2020 wildfires, you may be eligible for free or subsidized private well testing. Oregon Health

Camp Creek Watershed Cleanup

Join us in cleaning up the beautiful Camp Creek Watershed, tributary of the McKenzie and Willamette Rivers. SOLVE and the Bureau of Land Management are teaming up to remove illegally

Oregon State University Wildfire Survey

The purpose of this survey from Oregon State University is to examine the individual and family responses to the 2020 wildfires and smoke hazards in Oregon. In particular, the University hopes

InciWeb: Another Great Wildfire Tracking Service

InciWeb is an interagency all-risk incident information management system. The system was developed with two primary missions: Provide the public a single source of incident related information Provide a standardized

Pure Water Partners Update

As soon as it was safe to enter the fire-impacted area, EWEB, McKenzie Watershed Council, McKenzie River Trust, the Upper Willamette Soil & Water Conservation District and other members of

Oregon Wildfire Update

26 major fires are still burning in Oregon this week but today’s info on the Gales fire, the largest and closest wildfire to the McKenzie River info is below. Check

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