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Building a better community, Together

Donations are essential for us to continue the work that we do.

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Building a Better community Together!

McKenzie Community Partnership helps provide 4 important things:

1. An Organized Voice to advocate for our needs.

2. A non-profit that can help support local projects (facilitate fundraising and donations)

3. Keep us all connected with communication

4. Active engagement on multiple community projects.

Actions Your Support Makes Possible

The new MCP Hub provides community members with information and resources to aid recovery and resiliency

  • Aiding recovering fire survivors with essential supplies and uplifting messages
  • Collaborating with Lane County, Pure Water, the Chamber and other appropriate groups to move forward essential drinking water projects, advocacy for community design, and economic recovery
  • Key advocacy and planning work to help build more reliable communications, infrastructure, internet access, and functioning disaster warning system
  • A new online community platform brings relevant, helpful news, information, and opportunity to our communities—when and where we need it.

MCP Goals

Community Resiliency

To strengthen and inspire communities through education and skill building to withstand, adapt to, and recover from adversity

Economic Revitalization

To collaborate with partners to identify and implement projects to revitalize the McKenzie Valley economy

Environmental Resiliency 

To work with partners to identify projects that will conserve, rehabilitate, and restore the environment of the McKenzie River

Featured Projects

Fostering and supporting economic, environmental, and community well-being for the McKenzie River area.