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The Community provided input on the Blue River Drive design concept project.

Approximately 30 people attended the public, community event Saturday, March 18th, where everyone was invited to attend.

Below are highlights of the event. If you were unable to attend, but would still like to provide input, additional instructions are also provided below.

Saturday, March 18, Community Event Highlights

The specific input we seek are responses to the questions listed below. If you would like another opportunity to provide input, please email me your responses to these questions by 3/28/2023. This information will help the design team prepare three design alternatives for Blue River Drive. 

1.       What’s your best outcome? Ours is to have a community-preferred design concept. What would make you support a design?

2.      What’s your worst outcome? Ours would be unresolvable controversy over the design. What would make you oppose the design?

3.      What does the project/design team need to know to develop design alternatives? Are there issues at specific locations, such as flooding? Are there problems from the past that you’d like solutions for the future, such as vehicles speeding or other safety concerns?

4.      What are your preferences for design alternatives? The designs must provide safe space for people to walk, drive, and bike, but the design of those spaces can vary. For example, would you prefer a separated path for people walking and biking, a wider paved roadway shoulder for a typical rural standard, or more of a town feeling with sidewalks? Do you feel like people biking can safely share the roadway with cars or do they need a separated space like bike lanes?

Responses we received to these questions at the community event on Saturday are provided below. Table 1 Outcomes Feedback lists responses to the first two questions (above). Table 2 Location-Specific Feedback lists responses to questions 3 and 4, above.


CHANGEWhatever will bring the businesses backNothing improved
 Nothing happens
ACCESS Facilitate movement between track and school (both overflow and kids)Adding Blue River Drive to highway (e.g. loop)
Viable for local business and good access for all transportation modesNothing draws people off road to Blue River shops or track
BICYCLE / PEDESTRIAN Safe walking/biking from school to track, library, park, clinic, post office, etc. 
Bike and walking lane (safe) from school thru town to 126 
Bike & walk loop Blue River Drive connecting 126 
East side walk / other path / not sidewalks 
Occasional bike/walk turnout for rest, bench, picnic 
Bike lane to park 
Have walkway from school to track on Blue River Drive 
Bicycle loop with benches and restrooms 
 SPEEDSLower the speed limit in business district to 20 mph 
Speed limits 
Lowering speed limit 
TRAFFIC  Want traffic in town, but not on driveToo busy traffic as alternative to highway
 Sending too much traffic onto Blue River Drive from school to business district
PARKINGWest side parking (minimal setback from right-of-way) 
STREETLIGHTSDown-facing street lightsBright street lights
Nicer street lights 
Street lights (eco downlights) 
Dark sky lighting can be a designatedLight pollution. Pay attention to aiming lights downwards
SIGNAGESignage on highway to business in town 
OTHER ROADSPaved Dexter Road / possible sidewalks 


WEST ENDSCHOOL / TRACK·         There is a paved pedestrian path behind the track parallel to Hwy 126·         Build a bridge over water/ditch to connect biking trail to get people off of Blue River Drive where it is too narrow and connect track to school·         Connect the paved path behind the track to downtown 
MIDDLE·         Wetlands on south side·         River Street stays publically accessible (at least to pedestrians and bicycle traffic)·         Build a bridge trail system to connect at track
EAST ENDDOWNTOWN·         There is a turn lane from 126 to Dexter·         Pave Dexter Street·         Pave Dexter, but make sure there are not a lot of curb obstruction·         Business loop signage at both ends of Blue River Drive·         Allow path for walking and biking without curbs·         Public parking somewhere·         Restrooms public


Becky Taylor

Senior Transportation Planner

Lane County Public Works


Source: Lane County

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