Hello, My name is George Beverly Jr.; I am a member of the McKenzie River community. I have lived here for twelve years, with four of my children attending the McKenzie River Community Charter School. I am a seventeen-year Black medically retired combat veteran Staff Sergeant of the US Army. While I have lived in this community, it has been an awesome and peaceful living experience. I would like to share my love for this community by showing not only the beauty of our region but also of the greatness of the local people and businesses that will illuminate the McKenzie River Community as the hidden gem that it is.
In this tumultuous time, we are living in, I am wanting to start an equity and diversity community group called “COKA”(Community Outreach Knowledge and Awareness). As a leader, once again I feel it is my duty as a citizen of this great country to continue my civil duties by bringing knowledge and awareness to those who do not understand others in this time and space. We must look at ourselves and our community to reflect a better love for our neighbor, agreeing to disagree but nevertheless stand as a great community with the lack of diversity in the community. The more we know the more we grow!
COKA’s declaration shall apply and implement events that would be centered around celebration of: heritages, art, language, cultures, norms, religion, beliefs, food, and music. These are the times where people can gather together when possible to elevate the community’s knowledge and awareness of others for equal treatment and diverse understanding. And I believe this Major Community Building Plan Funded, is the avenue in which McKenzie River could benefit with this program.
You can contact me at: coka97413@gmail.com.