The State Forester has recalled the recently issued Wildfire Risk Map after receiving feedback from nearly 2,000 Oregonians that highlighted key areas of concern related to risk classifications
As required by SB 762, Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) released a wildfire risk map on June 30, 2022 and sent notifications to property owners in the extreme and high risk classifications.
In response to input received since posting, ODF have decided to remove the current iteration of the wildfire risk map from the Oregon Explorer and withdraw the notices sent. ODF will immediately begin working with Oregon State University on some refinements to improve the accuracy of risk classification assignments based on what ODF has heard from property owners.
Since ODF is withdrawing the initial map and notifications, the current appeals process will end and any appeals filed will become moot. For those who did submit an appeal, ODF will be reviewing the information submitted and using it to identify any additional areas where ODF may need to take a closer look at the data. Please note, this decision does not impact the code development and adoption processes currently underway through Office of the State Fire Marshal for defensible space or Building Codes Division for home hardening.
ODF will refine the map and then bring a draft of the updated map to communities for discussion and input. After another round of revisions based on local input, the map will be finalized. ODF will then post an updated map on the Oregon Explorer and issue new notices to property owners in the extreme and high-risk classifications, which will start a new appeal period. ODF is in the process of developing a plan and timeline to complete these activities, including public engagement and outreach opportunities.
Part of the Official Statement:
As required by SB 762, we posted a wildfire risk map on the Oregon Explorer on June 30, 2022 and sent notifications to property owners in the extreme and high risk classifications shortly after. In response to input received since posting, we have decided to remove the current iteration of the wildfire risk map from the Oregon Explorer and withdraw the notices sent. We will immediately begin working with Oregon State University on some refinements to improve the accuracy of risk classification assignments based on what we’ve heard from property owners thus far.
Since we are withdrawing the initial map and notifications, the current appeals process will end and any appeals filed will become moot. For those who did submit an appeal, we will be reviewing the information submitted and using it to identify any additional areas where we may need to take a closer look at the data. Please note, this decision does not impact the code development and adoption processes currently underway through Office of the State Fire Marshal for defensible space or Building Codes Division for home hardening
While we met the bill’s initial deadline for delivering on the map, there wasn’t enough time to allow for the type of local outreach and engagement that people wanted, needed and deserved. Once this round of refinements is complete, we are planning to bring a draft of the updated map to communities for discussion and input. After another round of revisions based on local input, the map will be finalized. We will then post an updated map on the Oregon Explorer and issue new notices to property owners in the extreme and high risk classifications, which will start a new appeal period. We are in the process of developing a plan and timeline to complete these activities, including public engagement and outreach opportunities. We will share that publicly as soon as it is complete.
We know how important it is to get this right, and we’re fully committed to continuing to work with the Governor’s Office, legislators, our partner agencies, local governments, and Oregonians to do just that.
To read the full statement on this situation from Cal Mukumoto, Oregon State Forester and Director of the Oregon Department of Forestry visit the Oregon Forestry website here