Show your support for rebuilding the Community Center at their April 10th Open House to be held at the Discovery Center from 1pm to 4pm.
View the re-build vision, visit with architect Jesse Elliott, and provide your thoughts. Also sample the pastries and support the Butter Braid fundraiser while you are there, more info on the flyer below!
You can find news on the rebuilding plans on their website here and also support the rebuilding effort of this vital community hub by donating through the PayPal button below, any help is appreciated!
Donate to Help Rebuild the Vida McKenzie Community Center!
SAVE THE DATE – July 10th from 11-3 pm the VMCC will be hosting a Bingo Run. Cars, bikes and motorcycles start in Cedar Flat and work their way up river, picking up Bingo numbers along the way. The winner will be the person who reaches McKenzie Bridge with the card closest to a true Bingo. The prize is a float on the McKenzie River. More details and sign ups coming soon.