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$422 million in federal Grant Funds Approved to help 2020 Wildfire Survivors Rebuild

Still Waiting to Rebuild after the Holiday Farm Fire?

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has approved a $422 million grant for the state to help survivors of the 2020 Labor Day fires rebuild, Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) announced Wednesday.

The ReOregon program will use the grant funds to set up several new programs to help those who lost their homes rebuild.

“Although recovery of the more than 4,300 homes in Clackamas, Douglas, Jackson, Klamath, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, and Marion counties has taken far longer than anyone hoped, HUD approval of the Action Plan is an important step,” the state agency said in a release.

The Homeowner Assistance and Reconstruction Program (HARP) is set to launch in early 2023. The first phase will be open to those who are low to moderate income and do not yet have a permanent, safe home.

OHCS will provide new manufactured or modular homes for those eligible survivors who have not started rebuilding. Survivors will contribute any previous benefits received, such as insurance payments or FEMA funds toward the project.

Survivors who wish to apply for ReOregon benefits are asked to prepare this fall by:

Connect with a disaster case manager by calling 833-669-0554

Connect with a local housing navigator at and click on “Assistance available now”

Collect the documents needed to apply

    • Evidence of fire impact
    • Income and bank statements
    • Record of any other benefits received, including insurance payments
    • Photo ID for all household members over 18

Survivors can also access state funds already available for going to and clicking on “Assistance available now.”

Source: 16KMTR-Eugene OR  

Note from MCP Editors:

If you have a choice in a Manufactured Home vs a Modular Home we greatly encourage you to do your homework to choose which option is best for you.   For long term value and financing flexibility, Modular Homes currently are much better options than Manufactured homes.


See this article:

Modular vs. Manufactured Homes

by Nick Gromicko, CMI® and Kenton Shepard

While the terms “modular home” and “manufactured home” refer to two very different things, they are sometimes used interchangeably. Perhaps some of this confusion stems from the fact that modular homes are, in fact, manufactured (“manufactured” might be an unfortunate label.) Also, traditional “site-built” homes are not necessarily better than modular homes, despite the stigma associated with their assembly-line origin. There have been cases where Realtors and builders of manufactured homes have misrepresented manufactured homes as modular homes, and buyers were not informed enough to know the difference.   Read More ….

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