Alyssa Brownlee – Housing
Housing remains fluid and every challenging. She wants to reach out to Lazy Days because she understands they are not planning to rebuild. One of her goals is to get as many people back up river to support the local economy and the viability of our school.
Last week the Oregon Public Utility Commission (PUC) meeting was held. During that meeting Alyssa was emailing back and forth with Dustin Till, their second in command, and Charter Spectrum. He explained they have pulled and staged resources to work further up river but at this point the hold up is in the fact they are leasing their pole space from CenturyLink.
Spectrum therefore decided to submit their own paperwork for their own poles and have received their permit on Thursday, so they will start placing poles this week (!) On an average day they can place 8 poles and on a stellar day they can place 12 poles. At this stage they are looking at somewhere near 119 poles per week, and a week after start they will follow up with the lines (!!) There is no set timeline for completion, but their goal is to provide all services for everyone within the McKenzie (!!!)
John Carlile – UMCC
Starting next week Sean will be available for the teaching staff for Monday and Tuesday for the kids school hours. Jamee volunteered her sister Jodi Erdahl, and EA from the school, for Wednesdays and Thurdays.
John would like to meet with whomever will be opening the “Learning Center” regarding protocols for keeping the kids contained in the stage area, and use only one way in and out, etc. There will be strict protocols in place to keep the areas sanitized and safe.
BR Post Office Update
John spoke with Commissioner Heather Buch, Courtney Flathers (Field Representative for Senator Merkley) and Juine Chada (Field Representative for Senator Wyden) and they continue to be confused as to why the temporary PO has not yet been put in place. Currently the plan is to have the PO in place at the McKenzie school by the end of the week.
We are looking for a ride source option to get folks back and forth to town for getting prescription medicines, going to doctor’s appointments, etc.
Thanksgiving dinners are already in progress. The Rotary Club will be getting involved to work on the Christmas dinner plan. Additionally, the Rotary Club will announce in the upcoming River Reflections that they will have $25,000 in grants, (up to $1000 per person) for Jerry’s or Home Depot. There is a one-page application, and it is intended to provide relief to small businesses who may have lost their tools.
Sean Davis – Halloween Update
They had a successful Halloween event hosted at the McKenzie General Store. Thank you to all the families who came out, to the Eugene Emeralds, Kendall Ford, the Hope Project, and the staff or the MGS.
The first prototype for the sheds was built in town. Sean will provide a photo and a possible cost estimate per unit as soon as possible. First shed will go to Mary Lipp. They have a list of 30 awaiting a shed. Sean said Sheds of Hope has a materials list.
Melanie Fisher – Volunteers
As on now with the Americorps Volunteers on site, Melanie will no longer coordinate with the volunteers coming from the Bend area. She will continue to work on fundraising and donations.
Al Artero – BRWD
Al reports that there will be an official announcement after a little red tape but through 3 round of bacterial testing and 2 rounds of VOC testing the BRWD can say the water in now drinkable. There will be ongoing rounds of testing. He is confident with the rounds of testing and the ability to maintain pressure that the water is safe to drink. They are on the power grid, they have electrical stuff in and the generator. We have our communications and controls systems in and running optimally. Everything is happening and running smoothly, but this does not yet include the homes on the South side of Hwy 126.