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Upcoming Grant Opportunities for Artists

Oregon Community Foundation is pleased to announce two upcoming grant opportunities for artists and culture bearers. Applications will open soon for both the Creative Heights grant program and the Fields Artist Fellowship (in partnership with Oregon Humanities). We invite you to learn more about these opportunities, apply if you are eligible, and share with your networks.

Creative Heights

Creative Heights provides opportunities for artists and culture bearers to stretch their creative capacity, share new works and test new ideas. The initiative aims to increase Oregon’s cultural visibility and vitality while supporting unique opportunities for Oregonians to experience innovative arts and culture. Up to $1 million in projects will be funded annually with grants from $10,000 to $100,000 per project.

For more information on the scope of proposals sought, eligibility, application process, and review criteria, please see our 2021 Request for Proposals and Creative Heights FAQs. An informational webinar will be held online on January 15th at 2 p.m. PST to provide a program overview, walk applicants through the application portal, and answer any questions. The session may be joined by computer or phone through our Zoom Meeting portal:

Online:; Meeting ID: 941 5331 8576

Phone: (877) 853.5257 US Toll-free, Meeting ID: 941 5331 8576

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Fields Artist Fellowship 2021-2023 Cohort

Oregon Community Foundation (OCF) and Oregon Humanities (OH) are partnering once again to invest in individual artists, culture bearers, and their communities through the Fields Artist Fellowship program. In September 2021, OCF and OH will award four Fields Artist Fellows $100,000 each over a two-year period, along with robust professional development, networking, and community building opportunities. In addition, a one-time sum of $10,000 will be awarded to eight finalists.

This second iteration of the Fields Artist Fellowship aims to support artists who are at a pivotal moment or inflection point in their careers, where the fellowship can provide meaningful impact over the two-year term.

The goal of the fellowship is to enable Fields Artist Fellows to:

  • Advance their artistic work and careers
  • Develop creative and meaningful ways to address and respond to the opportunity gap in Oregon

Applications open on January 4, 2021 and are due at 11:59 p.m. PST February 15, 2021

Read more about the program details and application process on the Oregon Humanities website.

For more information contact Maya Muñoz-Tobón, Fields Artist Fellowship coordinator, at

Informational webinar offered to applicants on January 20, 2021 at 2 p.m. PSTRegister for webinar here.

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