In the News!
Warming hearts and homes: McKenzie Firewood Program continues to help survivors of Holiday Farm Fire
“BLUE RIVER, Ore. — The McKenzie River area continues its efforts to rebuild following the Holiday Farm Fire more than two years ago.
The progress towards rebuilding is thanks to help of the McKenzie Firewood Program, run through the McKenzie Watershed Council.
In the last 18 months, they’ve been able to help 91 families, and they’ve given out over 300 cords of wood. The wood, free for the recipients, comes from dead or diseased trees that were scorched during the fire.
It all happens at the Pure Water Partners log yard at Three Sisters Meadow in Blue River.
Lara Colley is the coordinator of the program. She said she got the idea from other counties across the state, who also suffered from devastating wildfires.”
As Reported by Ariel Iacobazzi
For more details on how to support the program or request firewood, please visit: McKenzie Firewood Program
Residents in need of firewood
Reach out to McKenzie Watershed Council Firewood Program directly at
Please include the following in your email:
- Full name,
- Contact information (email, phone, and address),
- Eligibility: Are you in need of firewood to heat your home due to impacts of the Holiday Farm Fire, barriers to physically obtaining wood, or inability to afford firewood at this time?
- Do you agree to use this wood for home heating and not reselling purposes?
- Number of cords requested (2 cords per household is the current limit)
- Can you pick up the wood on a designated pick-up day?
- or Do you need a delivery?
- Do you need help with stacking?
If this is urgent and you are out of wood, please let us know and we will prioritize your delivery.
Questions? Please contact us at 541-520-9473
Source: KEZI News
MCP Note: this is a great program