Wildfires have hit all the western states and our local Oregon State Fire Marshal’s office has shared news of this useful webinar by the Santa Clara County Fire Department. More info on the webinar is below and a link to the Eventbrite page where you can register to participate. More webinars are planned as part of a series and we will share news on these once they are announced.
Learn how to reduce wildfire risks in the Home Ignition Zone (HIZ)
About this event
Is Your Home Prepared for Wildfire?
Join Santa Clara County Fire Department and learn how to reduce wildfire risks in the Home Ignition Zones (HIZ).
Breakthrough research has shown the majority of homes destroyed by wildfire are first ignited by embers and small flames. Take steps to harden your home in the HIZ to better protect it from the threat of wildfire.
The HIZ includes threes sub-zones:
- Immediate Zone 1 (0′ to 5′)
- Intermediate Zone 1 (5′ to 30′)
- Extended Zone 3 (30′ to 100′)
This webinar will focus on how you can make your home more wildfire resistant to embers and the effects of radiant heat in the Immediate Zone (0′ to 5′).
For more information on the Home Ignition Zone and wildfire preparedness, visit or
This webinar is open to individuals who live or work within the communities served by Santa Clara County Fire Department: Campbell, Cupertino, Los Gatos, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Monte Sereno, Saratoga and the unincorporated surrounding areas.
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