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Update: Salmon Spawning Restoration Project at Finn Rock Reach

Photo: Brent Ross

The Finn Rock Project will take place on land owned and managed by McKenzie River Trust. Beginning in June of 2021, McKenzie River Trust Staff, partners, and local contractors will begin the restoration process. The project will take place during a salmon-safe window of time with completion happening before the end of August 2021. Work includes temporary channel diversion, fish salvage, earth work, large wood placement, and re-watering of the Elk Creek side channel that flows through the Finn Rock Reach property. Once the project is complete, we will invite community members to join in replanting efforts on-site through our Friends of Finn Rock Reach volunteer programs. 

What to Expect

During the Finn Rock Reach restoration project, McKenzie River Trust staff, partners, and local contractors will be on-site. Many parts of the project include the movement of soil and placement of logs using heavy machinery. Work will happen in the footprint of the Elk Creek side channel. We will be temporarily diverting water out of the project area. Once work is complete, we will re-water the area. Click on the representative images below to learn more about the different project stages! 

Watch Out for this Flyer!

McKenzie River Trust Webpage on the Restoration:

HabiChats Video on Finn Rock Reach Restoration:

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