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Topic: Community

Celebrate Safely This Independence Day Weekend  

Source: Springfield, Ore. – June 29, 2022 — The Willamette National Forest wants everyone to enjoy a fun and safe time outdoors as we approach Independence Day weekend. We

Live Music Returns to the Valley!

The McKenzie Community Partnership helped to get feet tapping again in the McKenzie River valley last week while raising money for the Vida McKenzie Community Center. The Barn-a-Dilly event last

Fire Recovery Legislative Update

Between official sessions of the Legislature, House and Senate leaders convene interim committees during what are called “Legislative Days.” On June 1-3, 2022 Legislative Days occurred, including a meeting of the

OSFM Firewise USA Webinar

Oregon Office of the State Fire Marshal’s Fire Risk Reduction Specialists are hosting a series of virtual wildfire webinars to prepare Oregonians and the fire service for wildfire. The second

Wildfire Recovery Update – April, 2022

Source: Northern Operations Holiday Farm Fire area (Lane County, McKenzie River area, Highway 126): Ash and debris removal is complete; hazard tree removal is 93% complete. State-led hazard tree

BR Park Design Event – Part 2!

Source: In February we held a virtual Open House via zoom for the community to input on the redesign and rebuilding of our much-loved community park. The event was

Fire Hardening Support

Source: People who own a home – including a manufactured home – or business that was damaged or destroyed by the 2020 wildfires can receive money for using more

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